We have compiled a list of websites that we have found to be helpful resources of information. When you click on a link, a new window will pop up. Close the window when you are ready to return to this page.
Home of the IRS on the Web.
Where's my refund check? Track the status of your federal refund through the IRS website.
Check the status of your state tax return refund.
The state taxation website for Hawaii. Their mission is to administer the tax laws for the great state of Hawaii in a consistent, uniform and fair manner.
This is Sterling & Tucker's Elder Law Website. This site provides valuable information for seniors in Hawaii, such as Medicaid eligibility, asset proteciton, long-term home care or nursing home care costs. Sterling & Tucker specializes in Medicaid planning and offers free seminars. Learn more about our services.
Learn more about our firm and legal services we provide by visiting the Sterling & Tucker, LLP home page.
Sterling & Tucker, LLP Newsletters
Business and Financial
Hawaii business news for employers, managers and entrepreneurs.